CAS: China to Overtake US by 2019
Most predictions of when China overtakes the US in terms of gross GDP are produced by Western and multilateral institutions. This one, the Nation’s Health Report, however, is by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) which is usually hesitant about making such projections. Perhaps a bit optimistic. More likely early to mid 2020s.
CHINA will overtake the United States economically within six years and go on to become the world’s most important country in three decades more, an official research institute predicts.
The findings came from the Nation’s Health Report issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Global Times said, without giving details of the criteria used for the prediction.
China’s economy would be larger than that of the US by 2019, it cited the document as saying, and China’s “international status” would exceed that of the US by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic.
“National health” was defined as a country’s “overall conditions … using resource sufficiency and wealth distribution as the major criteria”, the Global Times said, but did not go into specifics.
China ranked as the 11th “healthiest” country out of some 100 nations, it said, just behind Costa Rica, with Sweden in top position.
The official Xinhua news agency said China was given a national health status of “up to standard”, though the US, Japan and Britain were deemed “health deficient”.